It's obvious that I am enjoying events as they unfold in the continuing saga of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. However, don't mistake my glee for any hostility towards Russia. Actually, it is based on relief. I am relieved as I am shown that Russia (and China's) potentiality as a threat to America is greatly overrated. No matter how large their military or the lethality of their weapons, they both suffer from existential flaws both strategically and tactically. Despite the cost in lives and treasure of America's successive wars, our military has "enjoyed" the opportunity of practicing and learning the art of war, and we have a wealth of trained and experienced warriors (both active duty and veterans) to guard the nation. Sadly, if only for a time, we also have a weak and confused government tempting the bullies of the world to launch ill-advised (as well as ill-fated) misadventures.