It appears they are trying to put lipstick on a pig. They use small numbers like one third to make the true impact more palatable; one third of their 76,000 restaurants is approximately 25,000 restaurants closed and approximately 600,000 people out of work. And they don't believe a full recovery is possible until 2029? Where are the affected CA residents and their pitchforks?
From the article...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Nearly a third of California’s restaurants permanently closed and two-thirds of workers at least temporarily lost their jobs as the pandemic set in more than a year ago and Gov. Gavin Newsom imposed the nation’s first statewide lockdown, a legislative committee reported Tuesday.
Few business sectors were more battered than the dining industry, which before the pandemic included more than 76,000 eating and drinking establishments employing 1.8 million people, according to the California Restaurant Association.
The industry is expected to eventually rebound, the restaurant association reported, creating another 160,000 jobs by 2029, for a total of nearly 2 million statewide.