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Responses: 2
MAJ Protection Chief, G34
Is this Police officer willing to go record? or will he or she remain nameless?
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CPT Jack Durish
The American Nazi Party has a long history of demonstrating and parading in various parts of America. Generally, their gatherings are small inasmuch as their party membership is small. They are usually accompanied by counter-protesters and gawkers, and there is little trouble beyond ugly words and gestures. The fact that their turnout was augmented by White Supremacists and KKK is unusual. Then the Anti-Fa group, largely composed of young adults with little resources (many living in parents' basements), show up. That's really unusual. How could they afford it? The Perfect Storm for inciting a riot. The police corral them together and then withdraw taking as many innocents and media with them as they can. That's not just unusual, but suspicious, isn't it? It would be easy to suspect that the whole thing is being orchestrated, wouldn't it?
SPC Greg K.
SPC Greg K.
>1 y
It's too weird...I agree. And, I've read all about these Soros groups funding, paying, for people to show up. That's been going on for years now...What worries more than this is, what's the left hand doing while everyone is watching the Right?
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