Are you a USAR soldier and interested in learning French in an immersion environment with other reserve component NATO officers? The CIOR Language Academy (CLA) teaches English and French as a second language, emphasizing a NATO military lexicon while at the same time providing an orientation to CIOR. The instructors, qualified reserve officers as well as skilled linguists and teachers, are provided by CIOR member nations and are selected through a competitive process. The students are NATO reserve officers and active duty officers of the new democracies of Eastern and Central Europe. Through the Language Academy, they are provided an essential and indispensable tool to carry out international NATO business - the ability to communicate in one of NATO's two official languages. Established in 2000, CLA was a CIOR initiative in support of the Partnership for Peace program and has matriculated more than 300 officers from every nation of Eastern and Central Europe.
FY2017 dates will be finalized shortly. This year’s CLA will be conducted at Torun, Poland. The CLA website will provide additional information: If you are a USAR soldier and desire to represent the Army Reserve this summer at this leader development opportunity, please visit the USAR International Programs page on Milsuite: Additional questions should be routed to LTC Dave Connelly, USAR International Programs at [login to see] .