Posted on Aug 29, 2017
Combat vets say tattoo policy is big barrier to re-enlistment
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
OK to surgically alter your body that requires lifetime care, but not tattoos for some on our proven military warriors? I'm not a fan of skin art, but this is stupid.
If you want NPR and the ACLU to deal with the issue you have to bring it to their attention. They are not all knowing and seeing.
LTC David Brown
None are so blind as they that will not see. From the time I joined requirements for enlistment and retention have constantly changed. Tattoos have come gone and now returned as a discriminator. Body weight and appearance have became a standard just after I joined. Then we had up or out. I had corpsmen who made E 5 and were happy there. Hard workers etc. Forced out by new policies requiring advancement. Article 15's became a discriminator. I worked with soldiers getting bars to enlistment because they were young and stupid once.
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