Responses: 8
MSG Pat Colby context is everything, isn't it? Michael Brown wasn't in Sunday school when he was shot--he had already committed felonious assault on a peace officer during a fight for the officer's gun, was wounded in the struggle, and who was in the process of being arrested at the time of his death. The shooting in Louisiana reportedly involved a ex-felon in illegal possession of a handgun with a long criminal history who had threatened a homeless beggar with that gun (who then called 911 to report the crime involving a 'man with a gun').
AKARE11 viewer, who gave us audio clips of police radio traffic, claims they captured the moments just beforePhilandoCastile and his girlfriend were stopped by St. Anthony police – which ended in police shooting that killed Castile.
I'm gonna ask that you post news from *actual* news sources, not fringe blogs.
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