Posted on Dec 2, 2017
Democrats rail against illegible, handwritten amendments to Republicans' tax bill
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
"Do you think they should be able to pass a huge bill with this stuff that nobody can read included?"
Heck yeah. Dems passed the ACA didn't they? ... and you had to pass it to find out what was in it. Can't be changing the standards simply because it is Republicans in the majority ...
Heck yeah. Dems passed the ACA didn't they? ... and you had to pass it to find out what was in it. Can't be changing the standards simply because it is Republicans in the majority ...
SPC Erich Guenther
That was not true then and not true now. You have a hoard of people at the Speakers feet consisting of parliamentarians and clerks that can read and explain any amendment before the House or Senate. Thats their job and they are professional staff that remain there even as the elected officials change.
well seeing as it's short hand for additions to the bill, I would say it's someones notes. And it's something called cursive, I know they don't teach that in some states. Most of it is legible though. What it's talking about is beyond me as far as legal jargon goes. The person who wrote this knows what they want, I don't know/understand the thought process behind this.....
ie this would be something petty to be upset about.
ie this would be something petty to be upset about.
SPC Erich Guenther
The Clerk has to be able to read amendments out loud to the Chamber and he/she has to understand them if someone has a question, thats why they have all those people at the foot of the speaker in the House as well as the the complaint nobody knows what is in the bill is political BS that some started to take advantage of people out there that do not understand how a bill becomes law. It was also political BS in the Health Care bill anyone not understanding something could just ask the clerk or parliamentarian at the bench to explain each amendment to them.
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