This call to action is no small matter as the article leads one to believe. It is the orders of Muhammad to wage war on the Infidel and Jew. He does not mention the CHICOMMS. Strange. As the CHICOMMS are slamming Muslims inside their country. Perhpas, AQ is getting CHICOMM monies.
Anyway, I noticed the Taliban was getting stronger too. So, someone is supporting training and movement of supplies with funding. AQ is global. Mosques and Madrasses supply fresh blood every year, or two.
Both are not insurgets. The Taliban control over 50% of Afghanistan and AQ has groups all over the globe. So does ISIS.
It is the narrative that keeps this Islaimc terror war going. It has been on going from the time Muhammad starting forcing everyone to worship the one true god of Zero Point. Where the black rock takes away sin.
The Z man has a few words on those who are being called innocent. Within Islam, only those who submit to the god of the Kaaba are innocent. Also, within Islam the two houses, Shia and Sunni, are at war with each other over the issue of who is following the correct Islam. A religious civil war we see in Iraq, Syria and parts of Africa. But the lame stream media does not want you to know that.
The media call those like Zawahri extremists. But those within Islam not following Muhammad's orders, according to the Imams, are Apostates. Apostates are the true extremists. They do not want to cut off your head, make you pay the tax, or wear a head covering like Omar.
Today is 09/11/2019. I think of those who were murdered by Sunni Muslims following Muhammad's orders on 09/11/2001. But the Z mans post reminds me of late 1988 when those military families onboard Pam Am 109 were murdered too. They were not innocent according to Dr. Z and those that follow the Koran. They were Infidels and military targets.
This Islaimc terrorist war will continue until we treat Islam like the Mob. Tearing those that wage war on civilization out of it with loss of property, jail time, deportations and the death penality. However, the agenda is to bring it into the west to cause chaos. Chaos brings change and destruction of culture.