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Responses: 6
SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
It's not Mr. Putin, Russia has always been xenophobic and paranoid when it comes to immigration and it is the reason why their population is declining. If your not Russian your dirt is the Russian policy on any foriegner. Mr Putin is a murderer and embezzles massive amounts of money from the Russian treasury. I do not respect him anymore than I respect John Gotti. Russia never formed a multi-cultural policy ever, it is why one province after the other split off from Russia. Russia approaches each non-Russian province and they either sign a trade agreement on terms that make them a slave state to Russia or they are roundly criticized as an inferior ethnicity or race. No such thing as equal trade with Russia if you fall under their orbit. In that manner they operate much like the Mob as well. It's the primary reason why Ukraine split off and Kzahkistan and Belorus would split off if they could without provoking an invasion. Both countries leaders fully realize they have two paths. One path is a slave state to Russia and the other is independence and trade agreements on their own terms but first they need an Army that can challenge Russia..........which neither has.

Anyway, sorry for drifting off topic but what is really behind this public position is. Putin created the immigrant crises on purpose to destabilize Europe and had a willing participant in our White House. Second Putin is using the results of the crisis he provoked to justify to Russians why they have a better system that Europe because elections are again approaching in Russia.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Why are you talking about "immigration". Yes, Russia has always been paranoid about aliens. But that's not the issue here. Immigration is a process by which people voluntarily move to another nation for any one of a number of reasons and immerse themselves in that nation's culture to enjoy its benefits. Today's issue is with displaced persons seeking refuge. They are demonstrating no desire whatsoever to adapt to the culture of that refuge. Indeed, they expect it to adapt to and accommodate theirs.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Looking at our largest Immigrant group which is Mexican Americans I have yet to meet a Mexican American Immigrant family that is not inter-marrying with another ethnic group by the third or fourth generation and largely leaving their former culture behind. So I am not seeing a lack of assimilation and even running a few Google searches there is no evidence of it on the Internet.
SGT David Baker
SGT David Baker
>1 y
Well, in my opinion, if you're not an American Citizen(period, full stop, not limited to honky cracka rednex), you are -- not dirt -- but very definitely of lesser importance in terms of national policy. If this be xenophobia, make the most of it.
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SFC George Smith
Putin hast the Backbone the Current Regime in DC doesn't have...
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Mass murdering sociopaths often have backbones. OTHER than your general aprovall of facists why is that a good thing?
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COL William Oseles
Europe is in trouble due to the socialist leadership's immigration policies and are now paying the price.
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