We are currently recruiting for slots in the Branch. We are an OC/T unit focused on Staff Training. The Integrated Training Environment (ITE) links live, virtual and constructive training enablers to provide commanders with a common operating picture to drive decision making. The ITE is the backbone of the Army Training Concept. Battalion and brigade leaders will find the ITE vital in the transitioning from counterinsurgency training to training for decisive action against a hybrid threat. The ITE will save leaders time, save the Army money and improve readiness as units train at home station.
3D BRIGADE, GREAT LAKES DIVISION, 75TH TRAINING COMMAND CONDUCTS SCENARIO-BASED/SCRIPT-DRIVEN, STAFF TRAINING TO PROVIDE EXPERT TRAINING AND TRAINING SUPPORT TO, AND VALIDATION OF, ALLOCATED AND APPORTIONED FORCES. Our unit is responsible for conducting battalion level and higher Mission Command Staff training for all Army Component Forces in support of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) and Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN).The importance of this mission requires that we select trained, experienced, highly competent trainers to observe, coach, and train commanders and staffs as they prepare for war. Our OPTEMPO provides great opportunities for enhancing your professional military education. Many units will not offer time to complete schools - we do - whether it is ILE or CCC.
See our Facebook page here,
https://www.facebook.com/3rd-Brigade-Great-Lakes-Division-Official [login to see] 74161/timeline/
If you decide to transfer to the 75th Training Command, be prepared to provide a copy of your last two evaluations, APFT card and short military bio.
Please feel free to email or call me with any questions.