Responses: 2
I'm afraid as long as you have the likes of the Soros's, Bloomberg's, Steyer's and the guy who founded Ebay, you will have the "lame stream media" and their totally bias (I use the word lightly) "news" reporting. Funny thing, most of them have few it any commercial breaks, why should they when they don't need to count on the support of loyal viewers who purchase their would be sponsor's products.
LTC Eugene Chu
Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Alex Jones is known for pushing conspiracy theories, but he also spends a lot of time promoting his own products. John Oliver and a “doctor” “from” M.I.T. te...
Haha! You are actually describing far right media. One great example is Infowars by Alex Jones. Pasting Last Week Tonight clip from YouTube about how Jones peddles conspiracy theories in order to sell his sponsored products.
SFC Joseph McCausland
True, Alex Jones is "far right" but I never said the "lame stream" media is
far left, so I don't see how comparing them to Alex Jones makes any sense.
far left, so I don't see how comparing them to Alex Jones makes any sense.
If that is true, perhaps the far right media will join it,, now that would be something to celebrate.
Good-bye Rush
Good-bye Sean
Good-bye Rush
Good-bye Sean
SSG Diane R.
Both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have a shelf life which is nearly ending.
I would argue that Tucker Carlson is more representative of the younger generation of "right" thinking folk.
2018 will be a year of stolen elections and political violence, the likes of which this nation has ever seen. MSG Stan Hutchison
I would argue that Tucker Carlson is more representative of the younger generation of "right" thinking folk.
2018 will be a year of stolen elections and political violence, the likes of which this nation has ever seen. MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
SSG Diane R. - May I suggest you read "Presidents of War?" It shows we have had political strife, including violence from the very beginning.
By the way, Sean Hannity is one of President Trumps main advisors. When he and Rush jumped on Trump about backing off on his demand for the Wall, Trump quickly changed his position.
By the way, Sean Hannity is one of President Trumps main advisors. When he and Rush jumped on Trump about backing off on his demand for the Wall, Trump quickly changed his position.
SFC Joseph McCausland
SSG Diane R. - Rush and Sean aren't going anywhere, the left has thrown every accusation and lies at them and unlike Bill O'Rielly they are still here.... Rush with the largest listing audience in radio and Sean the largest viewership in prime-time television.
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