Posted on Sep 27, 2017
FBI Releases 2015 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Yep, it doesn't fit the current narrative so they don't talk about it. The media only wants to discuss excessive force by the police, when in reality the police use force very few times considering all the contacts they make. But violence against the Police is on the rise.
LTC (Join to see)
I could not believe those statistics SGM. Over 50k line of duty assaults on the Police. That is an issue. The MSM and then the Left want us to believe that the Police are razing urban areas, pulling innocent youths from their homes in the dark of night, planting weapons on them, and then murdering them in cold blood. The facts just don't support that narrative. I'd bet that the majority of this RP audience believe that the individual killed in Ferguson, MO actually had his hands raised above his head while a Police Officer emptied his magazine into his back and lower body.
This report is almost a year old. It shows a significant decrease in felonious deaths from the prior year and the five and ten year comparisons are also lower. It doesn't state any comparisons to assaults from previous years so what did you come up with for correlations you said you were looking for? Of course assaults aren't all violent attacks on police. If a cop goes to throw you on the ground, and you grab his arm on the way down, that gets listed as an assault. What exactly is the story that isn't being told? Do you have any stats that show how many police calls occurred that year to determining what percent of calls result in an assault?

FBI Releases 2016 Preliminary Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
Preliminary statistics released today by the FBI show that 66 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2016.
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