Just a way around a treaty they probably shouldn't have signed.
US6606951B1 - Bounding anti-tank/anti-vehicle weapon - Google Patents
A bounding anti-armor/anti-vehicle mine attacks and destroys multiple targets simultaneously at the targets” closest point of approach. This is accomplished by utilizing multiple asymmetric explosively forged penetrators (EFPs) on a warhead that is capable of producing multiple armor penetrating kills horizontally in 360 degrees. The warhead comprises, for example, 16 curved copper or non-ferrous EFP metal plates arranged parallel to the...
Also, command detonated unless i misread the article.
eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'globalsecurity_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2']));The Volcano Mine Dispenser provides soldiers with a scatterable mine capability delivered by helicopter or ground vehicle. The Volcano dispenser contains 960 anti-tank/anti-personnel mines and is capable of rapidly laying a minefield 1100 meters long by 120 meters wide. In addition, the mines have a timed self-destruct capability.
Section of treaty they are most likely using:
The treaty covers only anti-personnel mines; it does not address mixed mines, anti-tank mines, remote-controlled claymore mines, anti-handling devices (booby traps), and other "static" explosive devices.
When you look at the list of non-signatory countries it is pretty easy to tell there will be plenty of AP mines to go around due to the back door sales that go on all the time.