Posted on Feb 14, 2020
Florida 'red flag' gun law used 3,500 times since Parkland
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 1
Like any new law, it needs to be evaluated for its adherence to justice and impartiality, and its subsurvience to higher laws (the Constitution). Here is my concern from the article itself: Inconsistent application of the law and accelerating (broadening) use of the law. "...with the pace accelerating during the last half of 2019. Even so, an Associated Press analysis of the law showed its use is inconsistent, with some counties and cities using it rarely and others not at all." This means we should expect a growing number of citizens deprived of their constitutional rights without good cause. The standard for removing constitutional 2A rights must be written to an extremely high threshold or the 2A means nothing at all.
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