Posted on Nov 7, 2016
Focus group reflects nation's dark mood ahead of Election Day
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
Your worry regarding whether these candidates are NOT a mistake, is mine too. Have we become so self-centered, uneducated by history, and without a moral center that whoever shouts loudest wins? Whoever hurls the most effective slurs wins? I hope we return to a moral center and keep the fringes on both ends small. I hope we return to studying the choices, centering balances, and decisions made on a hot summer in Philadelphia in 1787.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
But Col Joseph Lenertz that's what a lot of Americans want. I have long said that many Americans want politics to mirror our entertaiment and when done right, politics isn't entertaining but BORING. Nevertheless, many of us chose our politicians that mirror what we see on any reality show. Gotta have a hero. Gotta have a villain. Gotta have someone to cheer. Must have someone to boo.
A lot of Americans want that person that says whatever he/she wants without worrying about the consequences. A lot of Americans don't want a leader that "speaks softly but carries a big stick" but one that's bombastic and rides around in an Abrams. We as Americans don't want a diplomat. We want a champion, a conquering hero. We as Americans scoff at facts and evidence because now you can (pay) find anyone that's an "expert" to counter what anyone thinks about everything.
IMHO, it all boils down to being educated in all things, not just those things one personally supports or believes. IMHO, we need to stop voting emotionally but start looking at our candidates from the lens of objectivity instead of personality. We should all remember that a true leader doesn't make his/her decisions based on what's trending or the social outrage of the week and we should understand that political solutions don't happen in the span of an episode of "Survivor."
A lot of Americans want that person that says whatever he/she wants without worrying about the consequences. A lot of Americans don't want a leader that "speaks softly but carries a big stick" but one that's bombastic and rides around in an Abrams. We as Americans don't want a diplomat. We want a champion, a conquering hero. We as Americans scoff at facts and evidence because now you can (pay) find anyone that's an "expert" to counter what anyone thinks about everything.
IMHO, it all boils down to being educated in all things, not just those things one personally supports or believes. IMHO, we need to stop voting emotionally but start looking at our candidates from the lens of objectivity instead of personality. We should all remember that a true leader doesn't make his/her decisions based on what's trending or the social outrage of the week and we should understand that political solutions don't happen in the span of an episode of "Survivor."
Col Joseph Lenertz
SFC Bernard Walko - Thanks. It exists. Very few are "there." Some strive to get as close to it as possible, but too many are running headlong away from it, pretending it doesn't have value for humanity. But the moral center exists.
What you said about people collecting information to affirm themselves rather than inform themselves is very true and it goes for both conservatives and liberals alike. Unfotunately there seems to be no room left in this country for middle of the road people and I am sad about that.
MSgt (Join to see)
SSG Michael Hartsfield - very true. That types of behavior from both sides doesn't give me warm fuzzy feelings about the future of our country. Some times we just need to agree to disagree and understand that people have reasons for their opinions. If we can discuss them as adults and not get into the cess pool that we usually end up falling into we will be much farther ahead.
CDR (Join to see)
I would make two points. First it takes leadership in both congress and the Whitehouse to want to compromise. Right now you have a group of people who are all or nothing winner take all types. By electing moderates and those who are willing to work with the other side you will get leadership that wants to work with the other side. But you need that leadership. Look at somewhat recent history, such as President Reagan and Speaker O'Neill. While they disagree on everything they also worked together and compromised.
Second, SFC Walko, I agree a bit with what you say but I would add that that is only for this round of not working together. This has happened many times in the past and eventually good leadership came into office and righted the ship.
As a side note, a bit of interesting sociology, in most middle eastern cultures there is this look at history. You see it from the efforts on one group to exact revenge on another group for something they did in the past. Same thing is happening right now in the U.S. Democrats wronged republicans so we are not gonna put your person in the is office. Republicans, wronged democrats so you don't get this deal. so on and son on. Looks just like Shiites and Sunnis. Instead of being the shining example of tolerance, compassion, compromise, working together, and democracy, we have become more like those we fear the most.
Second, SFC Walko, I agree a bit with what you say but I would add that that is only for this round of not working together. This has happened many times in the past and eventually good leadership came into office and righted the ship.
As a side note, a bit of interesting sociology, in most middle eastern cultures there is this look at history. You see it from the efforts on one group to exact revenge on another group for something they did in the past. Same thing is happening right now in the U.S. Democrats wronged republicans so we are not gonna put your person in the is office. Republicans, wronged democrats so you don't get this deal. so on and son on. Looks just like Shiites and Sunnis. Instead of being the shining example of tolerance, compassion, compromise, working together, and democracy, we have become more like those we fear the most.
MSgt (Join to see)
CDR (Join to see) - this is why they should not go after Hillary anymore about the email stuff. Just let it go. Be gracious winners. Going after her will be horrible for the country.
"At times, it seems like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into de-humanization.
Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.
And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose. But Americans, I think, have a great advantage. To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values.
We have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.
At our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. This is the bridge across our nation’s deepest divisions.
And it is not merely a matter of tolerance, but of learning from the struggles and stories of our fellow citizens and finding our better selves in the process.
At our best, we honor the image of God we see in one another. We recognize that we are brothers and sisters, sharing the same brief moment on Earth and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity.
At our best, we know we have one country, one future, one destiny. We do not want the unity of grief, nor do we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope, affection and high purpose."
-George W Bush - July 12, 2016
Like him or hate him, and not always an elegant speaker, the former President does make great points that many of us have lost sight of unfortunately. Maybe what needs to happen is for people to take a step back, think about how we communicate with others, and follow the golden rule even as a keyboard warriors. I've certainly seen animosity, de-humanizing, and judging on this site and many like it.
Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.
And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose. But Americans, I think, have a great advantage. To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values.
We have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.
At our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. This is the bridge across our nation’s deepest divisions.
And it is not merely a matter of tolerance, but of learning from the struggles and stories of our fellow citizens and finding our better selves in the process.
At our best, we honor the image of God we see in one another. We recognize that we are brothers and sisters, sharing the same brief moment on Earth and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity.
At our best, we know we have one country, one future, one destiny. We do not want the unity of grief, nor do we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope, affection and high purpose."
-George W Bush - July 12, 2016
Like him or hate him, and not always an elegant speaker, the former President does make great points that many of us have lost sight of unfortunately. Maybe what needs to happen is for people to take a step back, think about how we communicate with others, and follow the golden rule even as a keyboard warriors. I've certainly seen animosity, de-humanizing, and judging on this site and many like it.
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