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Responses: 5
CSM Darieus ZaGara
This is a sad situation. If guilty I hope she seeks the help she needs. Senior Leaders are not immune to flaws in Character. There is however no excuse when these flaws present themselves. The military's Senior Leaders are in place to uphold the laws and regulations that ensure good order and discipline. I hope the Soldiers of this unit take the time to reflect on themselves as individuals and move forward with the mission and their lives. This is not a time to point fingers, gloat or ridicule.
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CSM Darieus ZaGara Very well spoken CSM. I hate when I see stories like this hit the paper, because I think it brings negative attention to the military. There are a lot of individuals across the United States that drink and drive on a regular basis, and additionally use prescription drugs and drive. Many have done it for so long, it no longer occurs to them that it is wrong or that they will ever be caught. It takes a serious event such as this to remind them. Just sad to see it happen to someone whose probably an outstanding commander, just made poor life choices.
MAJ Integration Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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I wonder if she'll plead guilty and ask for the max punishment under the sentencing guidelines for this crime?
If not maybe we could throw out every single DUI conviction where she was the Court Martial Convening Authority!
I have no tolerance for hypocrisy.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
CSM Darieus ZaGara
>1 y
Time will tell. Self preservation often takes over.
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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It definitely drives home that everyone needs to look out for each other whether enlisted or officer. Someone should have taken the keys and called a taxi. if this story is true.
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PFC Pamala (Hall ) Foster
Military gets a bad reputation for alcohol use and bad conduct-I get it, we all do. We need to make sure that all soldiers can get help WITHOUT being stigmatized or made to feel inferior;it takes a STRONG person to ask for help to beat their demons, but a WEAK person to make another afraid to get that help.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Amen Pamala.
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SGT (Join to see)
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well said
We are all human and we all have flaws.
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I concur.
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SGT Supply Sergeant (S4)
It is always unsettling to see one of our seniors in an unfavorable light,but as most of us know, adherence to regulations don't always happen. I pray for her and her family.
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