While, I no longer live there, I am an Atlanta native. Here's some free acupuncture for Vets in that area!
"The Atlanta Veterans Acupuncture Clinic is an independent and locally run clinic dedicated to the free treatment of stress experienced by combat veterans and their families."
"Acupuncture is currently being investigated by the Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. as a viable treatment modality for PTSD in returning veterans. The military has also started using acupuncture in the battlefield to help with pain."
What to Expect
"Acupuncture treatments are offered in a group setting, with participants sitting quietly together. Everyone receives the same treatment which consists of 5 points in the ears."
"On your first visit you will be given an Orientation Sheet to read and a consent form to sign. Our volunteers will be available to answer any questions you may have. Each time you come for treatment you will be asked to sign in for the day. Once seated, you will be given an alcohol prep pad to clean your ears. The needles will be placed in your ears by a Licensed Acupuncturist and you will rest for 30-45 minutes. You can decide when it's time for the needles to come out by raising your hand to ask the Acupuncturist to remove the needles. That's it! You'll leave feeling very relaxed."