Posted on Mar 7, 2019
GOP Senators Become Man-Made Climate Change Believers: "Not Worth the Fight"
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
I pretty much agree. I have been following climate “science” for over twenty years. The failed models, the fudging of temperatures, bad statistics, crazy theories and crazier explanations. The failed sea rise is because water is sequestered in the Australian out back. The increased temperature that was supposed to be in the ocean is hiding in the gobi desert. Good grief! It is basically junk. Michael Mann made the mistake of suing Mark Styan . Styan wrote a book called “A Disgrace to His Profession “ about Micheal Mann and the BS hockey stick graft etc. pretty good read. Here is more on the failure of climate models. Of course it is getting warmer because we are coming out of an Ice age. The Medieval warming period was probably warmer.

The relationship between CO2 and temperature is more complicated than the polemics suggest.
Good Video. Mine too Jack, Have you ever read State of Fear by Michael Crichton ?
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