This is how sovergn wealth funds work best and I like the Norway example the best because it is so large and they used it first to pay off their national debt and now it helps fund social programs. The best part is it alleviates the burden of the Norway taxpayer to an extent. The taxes are mostly applied to companes outside of Norway that obtain Norway's natural resources for export. Though some taxes do hit the taxpayer. However the tax relief for domestic U.S. Citizens would be the major part of this. Also, the United States is to become an Oil exporter if it has not become so already and we export a LOT of minerals. The word "pension" is used loosely here, these are not pensions and this really is not a national pension fund. I do not think any of the proceeds are paid out as a pension per say, instead it is used as kind of a rainy day fund to cover deficits in various government budgets or taxed areas that happen on a cyclical basis.