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Responses: 10
CW5 Regimental Chief Warrant Officer
This incident doesn't highlight the problem with concealed carry, it highlights an officer that did the wrong thing. I am sure he will be punished legally, financially, and in the court of public opinion.
BTW, my concealed carry training told me to hand over my ID and CC Card first and THEN mention that I am carrying so that the LEO can direct my next move and avoid something like this (even so, the cop was wrong, IMO).
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SPC(P) Military Police
From what I understand is the man told the officer he had a gun first then went reaching around for his wallet after the cop told him not to move. The woman in the car didnt start recording until after the fact he was shot, hopefully they can get the whole video from the body cam to see what happened.
SSG Trust Palmer
SSG Trust Palmer
8 y
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" - Rather he was a "law abiding" citizen or not, he didn't deserve to be KILLED!
SSG Trust Palmer
SSG Trust Palmer
8 y
I'm so freaking PISSED/SAD/HURT/ANGRY ...My husband finds it necessary to text me to check on me due to the latest events. SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"
SPC Kirk Gilles
SPC Kirk Gilles
8 y
Yes, let it play out more. Many, myself included, were quickly sucked into the lies surrounding Ferguson and Citizen Brown.
On its face it seems the officer panic-fired. That's poor training, lack of skills, fear. Racism has been assumed and added in by, once again, by the president.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
SPC Kirk Gilles - He did panic fire. He got off and racial bias was involved.
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PO1 Edward Spencer
I saw the video last night. This is why I will never, EVER, EVER carry in public. No matter what BS the NRA spews about an armed citizenry being a safe citizenry, that will never apply to men who look like the man in this video, or myself.

There was a story in the news just a couple of hours before this here in Raleigh of a man taking potshots at passing cars, then shooting at a Sheriff's Deputy who responded to the call. He was taken into custody alive.

I'll let you guess what color his skin wasn't.
SCPO Joshua I
SCPO Joshua I
8 y
PO1 Edward Spencer
PO1 Edward Spencer
8 y
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