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Responses: 12
SGT Christopher Hayden
"For heroic actions on the frontlines of the parking garage, PFC Snuffy withstood the intense horrors of only one bathroom for 30 Soldiers. Your service will forever hold a place in the halls of military history"
COL Acos Education
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SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
>1 y
You forgot the photo op with cookies
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SFC Casey O'Mally
And NG Soldiers wonder why AD Soldiers make fun of their racks....
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA
SGT Hector Rojas, AIGA, SHA
>1 y
I never did make fun of other Soldiers' ribbons.
It is clear you enjoy doing it, so have at it friend.
SGT Jonathan Persons
SGT Jonathan Persons
>1 y
And Active Duty wonders why the National Guard hates working with them.

You forget that sometimes those guys in the National Guard have more experience in one platoon than an entire active duty company has.
I was a National Guard MP and our unit was activated to do a stateside law enforcement mission at Fort Drum after the 10th Mtn deployed the 10th and 511th MP companies. We had everything from 18 year old privates with no experience to a couple of members of the FBI who came with us. NY state troopers, members of the NYPD, and every law enforcement agency that you could think of from NY.

During my career I also worked with a heavy engineer construction bn that had guys who had been in the guard for 20 years and had been doing construction jobs on the civilian side for the same amount of time.

But hey, they are "weekend warriors" and don't know a damn thing...
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
SGT Jonathan Persons - I didn't say jack diddly about qualifications or competence. Not one word. I made LIGHT-HEARTED fun of a silly ribbon. And yes, this ribbon is silly. (A couple of mine are pretty silly, too. Like getting an overseas service ribbon for the SAME deployment I got a campaign medal for.) But hey, those who earn it should wear it. As is true for ANY decoration a Soldier earns.

I have no beef with NG Soldiers - or Reservists. I was CERTAINLY happy when they were picking up the slack in Iraq and Afghanistan and giving me a breather between deployments. If you have or perceive a problem, the problem is entirely yours. But that chip on your shoulder is going to get mighty heavy if you don't let it go.
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
SPC Dawn Appelberg (Johnson)
>1 y
Nah - we just laughed our asses off when your commander came over to ours during the initial OIF set up and demanded to know how in the hell we had it all together in two days while his troops were still figuring it out a month later. Our Commander looked him dead in the eye and said, "what your troops take weeks to do we have to do in a weekend."
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LTC Field Artillery Officer
I was awarded some State awards during my National Guard time. They are not in my records, nor do I wear them on my uniform.
SPC Member
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Seems to be a common issue sir. Had to help track the awards on ERB's and most were missing half of what they had. Not surprised your state awards weren't listed.
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