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Responses: 1
COL Randall C.
Edited 11 mo ago
Completely agree. If you pay the balance off each month and don't let the lure of being able to buy something you can't afford overwhelm you, there really is no reason you shouldn't purchase items on a credit card unless you have to convert foreign currency (then look at the details on your card carefully).

The sellers would prefer you use a debit card as the fees are much lower for them (the Fed says the average for debit is about half of the average credit card fees), but as a consumer, the protection and perks when using a credit card are numerous.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
11 mo
Well said. I used to use debit cards or cash for small grocery or local purchases. My kids talked me into credit cards. My worry was not paying off the credit card each month. My kids and their spouses know me pretty well, and one told “that is not you”. We got hit with a car repair and some other unexpected expenses one month, had to pay it off over two months. We do rack up a lot of points.
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