Responses: 9
LTC Tom Jones It most certainly does not absolve someone of the crime. It does however provide convenient BS double speak for politicians and political apointees absolution from carrying out their duties IAW the regulatory guidance prescribed. All that did was provide an excuse for further transgressions that place National Security at risk.
I disagree with Director Comey's assessment but I hold AG Lynch unltimately responsible especially after that pathetic showing in front of Congress. The benefit of the doubt I once afforded her evaporated as she dodged questions akin to a street thug dodging questions from cops.
I disagree with Director Comey's assessment but I hold AG Lynch unltimately responsible especially after that pathetic showing in front of Congress. The benefit of the doubt I once afforded her evaporated as she dodged questions akin to a street thug dodging questions from cops.
Lady Justice always seems to be peeking from behind her blindfold. Thus, she has never been "blind" to a good bribe. Sadly, judges are subject to politics. Few jurists can resist the pressure of popular sentiment. This has been exacerbated in recent years as the progressive ideology has invaded the halls of law schools as well as colleges and universities. I fear that the only recourse is to allow lawyers to study at the feet of practicing attorneys and judges. Colorado tried to pass a law allowing this back in the 1970's but it was defeated. I wish all states would make the attempt and succeed.
LTC Tom Jones
Sir, didn't you get the message? Clintons are exempt from all personal responsibility and laws do not apply to them.
Sir, didn't you get the message? Clintons are exempt from all personal responsibility and laws do not apply to them.
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