Posted on Jan 19, 2016
Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs | Fox News
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
The American people have been so inundated with scandal reports which go unprosecuted, that they are getting complacent. What Clinton has done here is a very big deal and it continues to go unnoticed by most of the left and those who don't pay attention to the national news. It's bad enough the MSM barely reports this story but the willingness by Clinton supporters to ignore this is staggering.
Capt Brandon Charters
Great points Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin. I also continue to hear this issue brushed aside and referred to as "Republicans just talking about emails". I know many of us here can see the gravity and danger such emails can bring to our folks downrange.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Not only do I see this as one who holds a clearance, but as one who has officially advised senior leaders on their responsibilities to protect government information. More specifically official records. Not one semi-competent government CIO would have ever recommended, condoned, or signed off on Clinton's choice to build her own server for government business. I also see this from a cyber perspective where the Nation's top Foreign Officer (2nd to the President of course) has either ignored her responsibility for either convenience or to hide her record at Sec of the State from the American people. Both instances should bar her from becoming President... Ever.
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