Posted on Apr 18, 2016
JFK denies U.S. military intervention in Cuba - Apr 18, 1961 -
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 6
That was a black mark on the Kennedy administration as they abandoned those who depended on them SP5 Mark Kuzinski. The USA trained the 1,200 Cuban exiles, supplied and trained by the CIA, landed in Cuba’s Bay of Pigs with plans to overthrow Castro.
Our intelligence miscalculated the willing ness of the Cubans to join in a rebellion; our plans were leaked to the Russians who shared them with Fidel Castro.
This was less than 20 years into Cold War when brinksmanship between the Soviet Union and the USA and UK for that matter was the order of the day. Decades later we learned that the CIA and MI6 had moles within them.
I am glad that at least JFK "accepted sole responsibility for the botched invasion."
"In fact, the night before Kennedy wrote this letter, approximately 1,200 Cuban exiles, supplied and trained by the CIA, landed in Cuba’s Bay of Pigs with plans to overthrow Castro. Kennedy was fully aware that the invasion was underway; he had authorized it three days earlier. CIA documents released in 2000 indicated that Kruschev had also learned of the plans for a CIA-led invasion well in advance and had passed the information on to Castro via the KGB, Russia’s secret police. Early on April 18, Kruschev sent a letter to Kennedy warning the president to stop the little war against Cuba or risk an incomparable conflagration with the Soviet Union. Privately, Kennedy dismissed as hypocritical a lecture on intervention coming from a Soviet leader who had supported communist-led coups in Europe and Asia. In his official response, Kennedy warned Khrushchev not to use the U.S.’s support for Cuban rebels as an excuse to inflame other areas of the world and told the Soviet Union to stay out of the Western Hemisphere’s internal affairs.
The Bay of Pigs invasion quickly fell apart when it became apparent that the CIA had gravely miscalculated the willingness of Cuba’s military to join the exiles in a coup. Castro’s forces quickly put down the rebellion, killing approximately 200 of the exiles and capturing the rest, except for a few who managed to escape and report back to the CIA. On April 24, 1961, Kennedy accepted sole responsibility for the botched invasion. The Bay of Pigs failure did not stop Kennedy from supporting subsequent covert plans to overthrow Castro."
SrA Christopher Wright COL Mikel J. Burroughs SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSgt (Join to see) SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT
Our intelligence miscalculated the willing ness of the Cubans to join in a rebellion; our plans were leaked to the Russians who shared them with Fidel Castro.
This was less than 20 years into Cold War when brinksmanship between the Soviet Union and the USA and UK for that matter was the order of the day. Decades later we learned that the CIA and MI6 had moles within them.
I am glad that at least JFK "accepted sole responsibility for the botched invasion."
"In fact, the night before Kennedy wrote this letter, approximately 1,200 Cuban exiles, supplied and trained by the CIA, landed in Cuba’s Bay of Pigs with plans to overthrow Castro. Kennedy was fully aware that the invasion was underway; he had authorized it three days earlier. CIA documents released in 2000 indicated that Kruschev had also learned of the plans for a CIA-led invasion well in advance and had passed the information on to Castro via the KGB, Russia’s secret police. Early on April 18, Kruschev sent a letter to Kennedy warning the president to stop the little war against Cuba or risk an incomparable conflagration with the Soviet Union. Privately, Kennedy dismissed as hypocritical a lecture on intervention coming from a Soviet leader who had supported communist-led coups in Europe and Asia. In his official response, Kennedy warned Khrushchev not to use the U.S.’s support for Cuban rebels as an excuse to inflame other areas of the world and told the Soviet Union to stay out of the Western Hemisphere’s internal affairs.
The Bay of Pigs invasion quickly fell apart when it became apparent that the CIA had gravely miscalculated the willingness of Cuba’s military to join the exiles in a coup. Castro’s forces quickly put down the rebellion, killing approximately 200 of the exiles and capturing the rest, except for a few who managed to escape and report back to the CIA. On April 24, 1961, Kennedy accepted sole responsibility for the botched invasion. The Bay of Pigs failure did not stop Kennedy from supporting subsequent covert plans to overthrow Castro."
SrA Christopher Wright COL Mikel J. Burroughs SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSgt (Join to see) SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT
I was a L/Cpl. at Camp Lejune on Guard Duty in the Tank Park on that day. I was in H&S Co. 2nd Tank Bn. AS I was walking my post the O.D. came through, after I challenged him and he gave the password , he told me to be extra vigilant because of the Bay of pigs invasion in Cuba. Later that day after I was finished walking guard . The O.D. came around again and we had to go to the supply room to get all the Blankets together because they were being sent to Cuba. Semper Fi.
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