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Responses: 3
SSgt Anne Moor-Lane
Awwwe shux! They were just in CBus, OH & now I've to wait till July IF I'm UNemployed at the time.

Regardless, thank you very much for the info. I went ahead & created an account/registered for the veterans career fair. I heard that this particular career fair makes job offers right on the spot… At the fair!

Best wishes & prayers cadres!
LCpl Brian Maloney
LCpl Brian Maloney
>1 y
Absolutely! Definitely register for the online community as well. The recruiters monitor that and might call you well before the next career fair. It was pretty cool talking with all the recruiters and their willingness to break their back and find you a job/career in their company. Luckily, when I got home, I received an email from a job I previously interviewed for and got it.
SSgt Anne Moor-Lane
SSgt Anne Moor-Lane
>1 y
LCpl Brian Maloney - Niiiice!! Congrats!!
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
LCpl Brian Maloney ,
Thanks for the share. Best of luck in your transitional pursuit, may it be seamless and successful.
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SPC Temp Worker
I went to one of there job fairs it was crap.
LCpl Brian Maloney
LCpl Brian Maloney
>1 y
Sorry to hear that.
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
>1 y
PFC Marcheal Gideon I am curious to hear what are some of the things that happen for you to say it was crap. I am a fortune 500 recruiter and always looking at ways for continuous improvement.
SPC Temp Worker
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR - all they did was talk about the job and just said put your name and information down and we will contact you
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR
>1 y
I challenge you to try a different approach when you attend the next job fair. Write you your own operations order. What is your mission when you attend the job fair? You have to do some research of the company to see what roles the company is recruiting for. So when you talk with the recruiter you can be talk about the roles the company is recruiting for.

I am a veteran and a fortune 500 recruiter we just dont have the time to match you with the role. Try to find the need of the company and then you tell them how your skills will match up. Think of it like dating

you go out to a bar, party and you see someone that you are interested in you go over to the person you may be interested in what do you do? You will typically talk about your strengths and why you are the person to go out with. So show some interest and ask good questions and sell yourself of what you bring to the table.
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