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Responses: 7
MAJ James Woods
Always interesting to see the racists expose themselves over the silliest of conspiracies. Hahaha! Would've expected them to criticize other things in the movie and not just milk; similar to how they criticized the Black Stormtrooper in the latest Star Wars movie.
LTC Public Affairs Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Eh, white Stormtrooper, black Stormtrooper...non of them have anything on this guy!
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Yep people do tend to finds things to criticize about. Sometimes it's constructive and fair while other times it's prejudicial, extremely bias, or nonsensical.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I think some of those critics were upset that the Stormtroopers were no longer clones. While a few twisted that criticism into a racist rant but oh well.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - Actually a big fan of the original trilogy since I was a kid and to this day, it never crossed my mind that they all wore helmets to hide they all looked alike cause they were clones. Then the prequels came out to further push that narrative which was extremely silly. My oldest loves the Clone Wars cartoons too. Guess my point is some people will find any reason to fabricate an issue in their criticism of a movie. I just laugh at the absurdity and try to enjoy the movie.
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SFC George Smith
Interesting... i think...
I don't drink milk... unless it is Chocolate... But I do Cook with it... is that going to construed as something wrong...
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
Not at all. Alt-right trolls have adopted milk as their official drink. So if you see the milk emoji on social media, this is its meaning.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - Urine.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton Blame the neo-nazis. They ruin everything.
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LTC Public Affairs Officer
I have no idea who Jordan Peele is, I have never heard of this movie and I absolutely hate milk. In my opinion milk is the most disgusting think you could ever drink.
LTC Public Affairs Officer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - No, I missed that one, but now you've piqued my curiosity and I will probably waste the better part of the afternoon finding it.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
To each Their own devise(s), LTC !
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
>1 y
Darned kids, show me your grass waiver!
MSgt Richard Randall
MSgt Richard Randall
>1 y
Don’t know who the guy is nor am I apt to see the movie. As far as milk is concerned, I tried single malt Laphroaig with my Cap’n Crunch but it was pretty gnarly. Think I’ll stick with the moo juice.
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