Posted on Sep 13, 2017
Justices allow Trump administration ban on most refugees
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
They are wasting taxpayer money first because it is not their money, second they have a political agenda to push. No one is looking at the letter of the law just what is my political view point. I would like to know why so many of these lower court judges are not held to a set standard when it comes to making judgments based on the law not their political view point.
Just as I thought it would go. Those that are against Trump's policies find a sympathetic lower court. Big flashy headlines as lower courts and lower level appeals courts slap Trump's hand. Once it gets to Supreme Court the ideology is dismissed and the constitution holds sway!
SSG (Join to see)
There are still ideological decisions made at the highest level from time to time.
State Attorney General is a stepping stone to higher political office and so a lot of State AG's clog the court system with BS political cases they know they will lose in order to get the free PR and as something they can point to later to the dumb and uninformed Liberal. Anything to get that lever pushed in the election booth. In my view there should be a steep fine for filing frivolous legal cases and most lawyers know what those cases are and can define them without infringing on our rights in other areas.
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