Copied from another website-“The Mosin Crate”
Léo Major
A Canadian soldier, he landed in Normandy on D-Day where he proceeded to capture a German armored command vehicle, capturing secret codes and maps in the process. Days later in a firefight with an SS patrol, he managed to kill four SS before a phosphorus grenade went off next to him, costing him an eye. This did not stop Major who continued to be a scout and sniper with one eye. In his own words "I looked like a pirate."
Major then went on to single-handedly capture 93 German soldiers during the battle of Scheldt in the Netherlands. As he was escorting the 93 prisoners back to the allied line, the group passed SS soldiers, enraged that near 100 of their fellow Germans would surrender to a single soldier, they opened fire on the group killing many. Major ignored this fire and ushered the prisoners onward. Eventually a passing Canadian tank was ordered by Major to fire on the SS soldiers. Major got back to the Canadian line with the remaining prisoners and was nominated for his first DCM. He declined to be awarded the DCM by General Bernard Montgomery because "He's incompetent and in no position to be giving out medals." Three months later, Leo was in a jeep when it hit a mine in the road. Heavily injured, he survived to continue fighting in WW2 and Korea.
You'd think the above was enough, but there's much more to this warrior.(Including his service in Korea years later).