Posted on Sep 7, 2021
Lawmakers Try to Ban Dishonorable Discharges for Troops Who Refuse Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Just get them out of the service and quickly if they refuse and/or do not have a proper exemption.
How can it be honorable if you willfully disobey Lawful orders? With that precedence then we may have flu shot refusals etc etc. slippery slope.
MAJ Byron Oyler
I am sure we have flu shot refusals and others, what is the precedence there? Same punishment there should be applied to COVID.
SP5 John Brown
Back in the DAY; Being Deployed to South East ASIA; we lined up for a "Smorgasbord" of Shots.!! ( from Air-Guns.) WE JUST DID.! Someone asked me if i Knew what all of those ingredients were on the cans of Foods i eat,...i don`t really look.!! I was in our Military, during WAR time,...I did what i was told. ( and still Here to Prove it.! )
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