Posted on Dec 30, 2018
'Leave the Store!': Vape Shop Employee Explodes at Customer Wearing 'MAGA' Hat, T-Shirt
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
I don't understand how someone can get that upset and unhinged? I guess no one is really teaching people how to handle adversity. He did get fired...
Cpl (Join to see)
Adversity isn't learned when everyone gets a trophy while teachers/professors preach intolerance using double-think. The combination is detrimental to a civil society.
LT Brad McInnis
Cpl (Join to see) - I have a family member who got participation trophies all through school. He got out of school and realized that he was wholly unprepared for life, couldn't understand why he couldn't walk right into a 6 figure management job with no experience. He took a couple of weeks, re-evaluated his approach, took the low rung maintenance job they were offering, and now, 5 years after hard work, he is that manager. Sometimes they wake up, and it is a beautiful thing to see, and awfully funny and sad when they don't.
CPL Dave Hoover
LT Brad McInnis it is very encouraging when they wake up and rewarding to see them enjoy the rewards of their hard work.
This person (and all like him) are suffering from hysteria, just like the teenage girls that incited the Salem Witch Hunts. Sadly, it's been induced through indoctrination and can't be cured so long as the indoctrination continues. I will soon be sharing stories of America's youngest generations who appear to be more conservative than any we've seen in decades. We need to start now protecting them from the same indoctrination that left this poor sot in a mindless stupor.
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