Posted on Jan 1, 2019
Leaving no veteran behind when it comes to health care access
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 14
Lt Col Charlie Brown My Sister, the PhD, who's Thesis was on the topic of PTSD, spent several years on the hill above Ramstein trying to aid returning soldiers from the sandbox. When her tour in Germany was over she was brought to San Antonio.Where she continued working with returning troops. Because of the crush of the workload it eventually got to her. She was Medical Disability Retired because of mental health problems. She worked with AD troops not Veteran's, but they were all on the way to disability retirements, so it was pretty much the same thing. Because of what I know of her experiences when ever I go to see my "Head" Dr. I make sure to bring something to the office to help her feel good about herself and validate her purpose. The Drs working in and for the VA are not stone monoliths, we have to give them something other than complaints and bad news, or they will leave it behind to save themselves. The health care professionals that work for the VA have to be very dedicated to medicine, but it's that selfsame dedication that will one day ruin them if we don't take care of them also.
"The government ought to do something..." Good luck with that. Until they do (if ever) we have to take care of each other.
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