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Responses: 2
CPT Jack Durish
The only failings in the Constitution are those implemented by those imposed by the people who seek to destroy it. Who seek to impose their will on that of We the People. The Constitution did not create or sanction slavery. That was a regional interpretation and it was rescinded when We the People finally had enough. No Amendment was needed to end slavery. The 13th merely codified a result won on the battlefields of the Civil War. No Amendment was needed to assure equal rights for all regardless of race, religion, gender or any other factor. Denial of equal rights was only possible so long as those in power chose to misinterpret the plain language of the Constitution. Now, a new class, the Left, is misinterpreting the Constitution at every turn to advance their cause, to replace it with their dominion over We the Deplorables.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
I don't often agree with the National Review, but to an extent I do with this op-ed. Except, of course, where he fires ad the left.
I used to agree with Jefferson where we should have a Constitutional Convention every so often, but now I am not so sure. The American public is far to fickle, and the controlling edge of each ideology is too strong. We change our minds on many subjects, and I could foresee the day when, for example, the left takes front stage and they modify the 2nd Amendment, or the right takes over and they modify the 1st Amendment. Neither change would be good.
So, let's stay with the status quo, our amendment system.
As to the filibuster issue, that is Senate rules. No Senate leader really wants to change that, because they know that though they are in the majority today, that will change in time.

I do agree with the writer’s comments about our “uninterested and poorly informed” citizens. While they certainly have to right to vote, or not vote, as they see fit, I believe an uninvolved public leads to the chaos in our political system, and we get what a few ask for, not what the nation needs.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
7 y
Awesome response! Absolutely on target. I'm also impressed you were able to recognize and over-rule your own preconceived notions on National Review and force yourself to re-evaluate the article on it's own merit. I read and listen to NPR and often have to work at removing my own right-of-center perspective to give their articles a fair hearing.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
7 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - Thank you.

Now, if we could get more like you, with your "right-of-center" perspective, and me with my left-of-center perspective to converse in such a polite manner, perhaps there is hope for this nation yet,,, lol.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
7 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Yes, a little hope. But we DO have something in common, and we both have some civics lessons behind us. We don't make up the "uninterested and poorly informed" that represent a real danger to any democracy.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
7 y
Col Joseph Lenertz - That is correct,,, we should do our best to get those "uninterested" interested. As for the "poorly informed" you can lead a horse to water------
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