Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
It is a cool base lots of history. I spent a few months going to sub schools. Loved it. I encourage everyone to visit. You will understand why subforce, is an all volunteers service.
Before I'd gone USAF OTS, I'd tried seriously for the Navy NUPOC program for nuc power (a friend got it, though he changed his mind, he hadn't wanted it, he did actually get interviewed by Adm Rickover, he'd told me, I was never able to get to be so allowed, though God knows I'd tried), I'd gone with a whole group of others with recruiters by me to see a sub installation relatively nearby...we were allowed a walk-through on an SSN that'd been docked there, I must admit it was impressive...we got to look through the periscope, plus, while we were on board, the breakers blew out, the XO got on the PA, and asked the crew to try to cut down power usage while docked, which we'd all thought quite funny...then, we were taken to see the sub bridge training simulator, and were shown what a sub bridge felt like when a sub did a fast surfacing...the trainer was canted over at a serious angle, we all had to really hang on for dear life, then, as the sub trainer simulated breaching the surface, it went back to being flat quite rapidly, which did rather take us all by surprise...there was also a sub museum there, which we got to look through for about an hour...it had a mockup of the Turtle, the Revolutionary War sub, the one that was tried before the Hunley, the Confederate one that was raised, salvaged, and restored, a few yrs ago, obv....
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