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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Glad we are practicing for this. We are unlikely to be fighting in woods and fields much anymore
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
SSG Will Phillips no I have not. I am referring to tank tactics
SSG Will Phillips
SSG Will Phillips
>1 y
Again Ma'am, the article was about Marine and or Army foot soldiers in an urban combat environment. Seems to me that when in the article references nearly peer to peer conflict to mean different things to you and I. Riddle me this Ma'am, If you were part of an insurgency unit that had to bail out of the urban area you were operating in to the woods, and a platoon of M1-A tanks comes for you what would you do? Armor will always have a place on the battlefield. Not meaning any disrespect but which tank tactics would you be referring to ma'am?
MAJ Ron Peery
MAJ Ron Peery
>1 y
SSG Will Philllips is correct. While some of our likely areas of operations are going to be urbanized, most of the world is still woods and fields. We will be fighting in both environments, and have to train for both. Fallujah is a good example of a fight in urbanized terrain. Many view it as mainly an infantry fight, but they had AFVs and tanks used, effectively, in that fight as well. A city is not necessarily a no-go terrain for tanks. You just have to do things differently. In all environments, infantry and tanks working together are far more effective than just infantry, or just tanks. Thnk of a battle as a really loud and dangerous symphony. Got to have brass, got to have strings, got to have percussion, or it's not a symphony. So, and I didn't notice whether they mentioned this in the article, if they are not training with a true combined arms team, they are not doing full value trainning.
SSG Will Phillips
SSG Will Phillips
>1 y
Armor, while it has its limitations in an urban environment can still play a colossal role in support or assault if you are willing to take the collateral damage. A area specific or battle field EMP, takes the troops back to clearing buildings WWII style. Just saying...…
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share on this change of tactics.
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Max Ross
The explosion of commercial/civilian technology with surveillance and Intel delivery potential adds a dynamic which was not available at this scale.
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