Let's see if I have this straight. We're going to spend whose money to collect an island of plastic litter twice the size of Texas with a 2,000' boom, an island that no one has ever photographed? Oh, they found "donors" to fund the project. (I guess fools and their money are soon parted) Now, who is going to pay the fines when we discover that marine life has been trapped in the nets attached to the boom. Oh, and silly me, of course you can't take on a vast island of plastic with just one 2,000' boom. There will be 60 of them. Will $35 million in donations cover all that (plus fines)? I doubt it. At some point, We the Taxpayers will be in the act. And, ultimately, what about the continuing flow of new plastic waste? How many more booms will be needed? Yes, you may call me a skeptic, but I'm not getting involved until someone proves the existence of this mythical island