Posted on Feb 11, 2018
Media's Olympic-level North Korea fawning is a disgrace
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
The American media never met a dictator that they didn't like. You probably don't remember the fawning over Hitler and Musolini but it happened. Personally, I see a smirk on this woman's face that makes me think she's likely smarter than her brother (and more dangerous too). He better keep a "side eye" on her...
Sgt Wayne Wood The only thing the msm sees is a communist regime (and they get aroused at the mere mention) and their participation in these games. They do, and will continue to ignore the truth about the brutality of the communist hardline that sends generations of families at a time to "re-education camps" that are nothing but slave labor, prison, and brainwashing entities. People starving to death while the kim regime flourishes. SHAMEFUL!
With ABC and CNN's love of Dear Sister, NBC putting it's foot in its mouth over Japanese occupation history in Korea, and Katie Couric's stupid Dutch remark, is it any wonder that people just don’t trust these “news” sources and personalities? Note: Because I’m being critical of MSM, queue the anti-Fox News comments in 3…2…1….
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