“The IMF program, along with the broader bailout package … should go a long way towards restoring investor confidence,” an analysts advises clients of Nomura, an Asia-based financial services group with an integrated global network spanning over 30 countries.
Mongolia's mineral-rich wealth is what lures its long-term investors as the Rio Tinto-led (since 2010) Oyu Tolgoi Project, the world’s largest copper deposit, trucks copper concentrate through the Gants Mod border crossing located in the Urad Middle Banner to smelters in China and Asia.
Oyu Tolgoi is projected annually through 2025 to yield 560k tons of copper. The Mongolian Government jointly owns 34% of Oyu Tolgoi and Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. (TRQ) owns 66% (of which Rio Tinto owns 51%). TRQ explores for and develops mineral and metal properties in Asia and Australia, develops the Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper mine in Southern Mongolia, and holds interests in companies that mine coal in Mongolia, molybdenum and rhenium in Australia, and gold at the Kyzyl Gold Project in Kazakhstan.
1) Tsend, Ganzorig. (ND). Oyu Tolgoi.
http://www.riotinto.com/copperanddiamonds/oyu-tolgoi-4025.aspx2) Foley, Brett. (2016, May 08). Mongolia mine to supply into copper deficit, Rio Tinto says.
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/asian-pacific-business/mongolia-mine-to-supply-into-copper-deficit-rio-tinto-says/article29934834/3) Unrepresented Peoples and Nations Organization (UNPO). (2016, December 02). Southern Mongolia: Newly Imposed Surcharges Place Extra Strain on the Region.
http://unpo.org/article/196904) Rio Tinto. (ND). Jean-Sébastien Jacques.
http://www.riotinto.com/aboutus/jean-sebastien-jacques-16992.aspx5) Review information on stock quotes (NYSE: TRQ) at Motley Fool.
http://www.fool.com/quote/nyse/turquoise-hill-resources/trq/content6) Wong, Edward. (2016, December 30). Mongolia, With Deep Ties to Dalai Lama, Turns From Him Toward China.