Posted on May 10, 2016
Museum Design – The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
My wife's dad led a minefield charge at the Moselle river in France during the battle of Nancy and rcvd a bronze, my uncle was a Telex and radio comm operator and actually knew Eisenhower who very slightly recalled him while the president of Columbia Univ before being elected when getting his diploma from Eisenhower with many GI Bill grads that same day, my uncle was the unit comedian of the 3118th signal svc battalion or group that got a Pres unit citation endorsed by gen Eisenhower. My ncle was also at the little red schoolhouse at Rheims or Reims Germany the day the Germans surrendered and actually saw them and the allied dignitaries. He also swiped a copy of the Telex announcing the German surrender he and my aunt displayed it every meml day 4th July and vets day for years my cousins still have it in a safe deposit box, lol. I was army ROTC 3 yrs then went USAF instead.
Emmy French
The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army – Home of The Army Historical...
You can make a difference. We need individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations, governments, and veterans and military service organizations to provide the support and funding necessary to make the National Museum a reality.
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