Fellow Warrant Officers, I am pleased to announce that USAWOA National Headquarters will be celebrating a century of Warrant Officer service to our great Army in style, by hosting the Warrant Officer Centennial Ball, on the evening of Saturday, 7 July 2018. The theme of this gala event will be “Eagles Rising,” and it will be conducted at the palatial Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel, located at 900 Orme Street, Arlington, VA 22204.
Registration for the event may be accomplished on the USAWOA Portal, at
https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=USAWOA. Once there, log in and use the link bar on the left to review “Warrant Officer Centennial Ball Instructions,” and (in the link right above that) enter the online store to register. The cost for CW3’s and below (and their guests) is $55 per plate – for CW4’s and above (and guests) it is $65 per plate.
The hotel, which will also host our 46th Annual Meeting of the Members (AMM) this October, is working hard with us to make this event both fabulous and affordable. Realizing many will wish to spend the night, it is offering an incredible $89 per night room rate. Anticipating others may be coming from out of town, it is extending this courtesy for the night preceding and following the event, and up to three nights prior to and following the event, based on limited availability.
Please make your hotel reservations separately, by dialing [login to see] , and telling the operator you are attending the “U.S. Army Warrant Officer Centennial Ball” in July. If you have any difficulties, please call Executive Director CW4 (Ret) Jack Du Teil for assistance at [login to see] .
Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, GEN James C. McConville, has graciously accepted our invitation to serve as keynote speaker, and we expect several senior Army leaders to be in attendance. Moreover, all Warrant Officers, traditional officers, NCOs, and civilians are welcome to join us in this celebration.
GEN McConville will also unveil USAWOA’s painting, “Eagles Rising.” Ambitious in scope, it commemorates our cohort’s century of dedicated service to the Army. In so doing, we will highlight our ascension as the Army’s indispensable, adaptable technical leaders to progressively higher leadership teams, throughout a successful Warrant Officer career. Order forms will be available, for any guests who wish to order a numbered print – the cost will be $250, plus the 6% Virginia state tax, and both checks and credit cards will be accepted.
The attire for the evening will be black tie. For those who attend in uniform, either the service uniform or mess dress will be appropriate. The evening will kick off at 1700 with a cocktail hour. This will be followed by a receiving line at 1800. Following dinner, the keynote address, and unveiling of the painting, there will be a cake-cutting ceremony in honor of our cohort’s 100th birthday. After that, guests will enjoy dancing and fellowship until the conclusion of the event at 2300.
Seating will be limited to 250, so please do not procrastinate, if you are planning to attend! We hope to enjoy your company, as we celebrate this once in a lifetime experience.
The Quiet Professionals®
CW4 (Ret) Gregory "Greg" A. Gouty National President