Posted on Jul 26, 2018
NRA's new fearmongering ad series argues that proponents of stronger gun laws are pro-murderer
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
It's sad that we can't have a rational debate, isn't it? I'm not enamored with the fear mongering but what what can you do when you're confronted by the dupes who are incited by the fear mongering of the Left who are campaigning against the right of self protection? Lacking a rational argument, they have nothing but fear to advance their case. Sadly, this mob of dupes represents a very large block of Americans and they are determined to inflict their will on us. After all, we're a democracy, right? And the will of the majority supercedes individual rights, right?
SGT (Join to see)
If it is truly the will of the majority, Federal Laws will be changed to reflect that will after a vote is taken. Until then, they can wish in one hand know the rest.
CPT Jack Durish
SGT (Join to see) - Never forget that the Constitution did not give us the right of self-protection. That is a natural (God-given) right. The Constitution only warns the government not to infringe on that right. Take away the 2nd Amendment and the right remains, the will of the majority be damned.
Well, I do not agree with their premise. They say none of their laws prohibit you from self-defense, but they pass laws so people in low economical position cannot afford guns, or ammo, or the license to have the gun in their homes or on their person to protect themselves. That is their loophole that is never discussed. I hate their lies too, but I take blood pressure medicine so it doesn't make me too mad. I always make comments with nothing but facts, which usually never make it in print, or is always the last of thousands of reply's, but I refuse to submit to their premise.
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