Posted on Jun 22, 2016
Obama admin admits they lost track of Orlando terrorists wife - you can't make this stuff up!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
It is absolutely ridiculous that we need to risk our national security and the lives of Americans just so we don't "offend or hurt someone's feelings" disgusting. His employer even said they didn't go into his threats further because they didn't want to seem "anti-Muslim" absolutely ridiculous.
CPT Jack Durish
The terrorists don't need atomic bombs. They already have a "nuclear option". It's called political correctness and with it We the People can commit suicide.
From the same people that said the vetting system for the refugees works............after saying it doesn't work for those that wish to purchase firearms......
Actually you can make this stuff up. Just because she personally doesn't know the woman's whereabouts at that moment, that doesn't mean the agency doesn't. I searched the internet and the only reference to this was the usual hysteria generated when one website publishes this type of story and then it exponentially engulfs the internet with everyone else repeating the story . I Couldn't find one single mainstream story about this which leads me to believe we once again have a half story or more manufacture outrage generated due to political leanings. Is it true, who knows, but this wouldn't be the first time some " BREAKING NEWS" on the internet was a crock of shit.
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