Posted on Oct 21, 2017
Obama ambassador's testimony on intelligence unmasking raises new questions
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
Hey Samantha. You were the UN AMBASSADOR? Seriously? You actually expect the American people to believe that that you had NO KNOWLEDGE THAT SOMEONE HACKED YOUR ACCOUNT TO UNMASK AMERICAN CIVILIANS? Your response is so full of Male Bovine Excrement that only a delusional Liberal would believe it.
The FISA court was established by Congress in 1978 under the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act. As such A FISA court judge must accept formal application from the Justice Department to approve a “warrant” for electronic surveillance, physical search, and other forms of investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes. Such application presupposes that ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION IS VERIFIED AND ACCURATE SO AS TO NOT TRAMPLE ON THE RIGHTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS. FISA was not created for any political party to spy on an opponent. Presently, only a delusional Liberal would not admit that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign. What is disturbing and what delusional Liberals are not willing to admit is the unmasking of American Civilians predicated by FISA surveillance may not have been authorized by the accumulation of verifiable and accurate evidence submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court. Rather, it is increasingly clear that Obama Administration FISA applications were predicated upon and precipitated by questionable data contained in the discredited "Trump dossier" compiled by Fusion GPS. Further, it is obvious to anyone who is not a delusional liberal, that the Fusion GPS Dossier was CREATED as means for application to employ FISA to spy on the Trump campaign. As such said manipulation of data to obtain FISA constitutes a crime of unbelievable dimensions that warrants empanelment of a federal grand jury. There is no other LOGICAL conclusion. That being said the ability to employ Logic by a Liberal especially when said Liberal is affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mutually exclusive set.
MSgt George Cater
Agree with all you stated... So when do the indictments come and the trials begin for these criminals? There is a no nonsense President and a presumably honest and honorable Attorney General. So when??!
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