Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
What Hillary says and what Hillary might do is just about as different as what a politician says and what a politician might do. Wait a minute: Hillary is a politician, one of the most reprehensible in recent history.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
She'll say what she thinks her audience wants to hear but still she differs with Obama on this but probably will be just a blip on the radar as she continues to bad mouth Trump and Obama trying to out do her in that regard
"Mrs. Clinton, who served as secretary of state during Mr. Obama’s first term, has advocated a more aggressive military strategy in Syria, including a no-fly zone to protect civilians — something the president has steadfastly rejected. She has spoken more starkly than he has about the threat posed by Islamic State-inspired terrorism in the United States. And she would overhaul the administration’s efforts to counter violent extremism, according to a senior campaign adviser." posted from msn.com
You can bet that Trump will pick up these differences between Hillary and Obama on the war to defeat ISIS.
You can bet that Trump will pick up these differences between Hillary and Obama on the war to defeat ISIS.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
CPL Phillipe Farneti - She's tried to clean up her act since Benghazi but I find it interesting she is separating herself from Obama on this issue. Wonder if this is a sign of things to come??
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