Posted on Feb 13, 2017
Oh Look! Trump Is California's President Now - Gov. Jerry Brown Asks For Help | John Hawkins'...
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
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GySgt Melissa Gravila - I suspect Trump was referring to routine social service aid - not life and death federal intervention to assist with the impending destruction of a major dam that is holding back a major overflow - which has forced evacuation of many thousands of people from their homes - and similar major natural disasters. If Trump were to allow citizens to die over politics he would lose what credibility he gained for being a promise keeper. There is an implicit promise for emergency aid where needed as a consequence of major natural disaster. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
GySgt Melissa Gravila
No doubt- bottom line our POTUS is all about taking care of Americans, and doing what is in our best interest. The disaster relief is a given IMO, but the point is, is that California can not exist as an independent entity when they feel like it, and be a part of the U.S. when it suits them. As I have said, the people acting like idiots aren't the ones needing the help, they are the ones sitting on the mountain top looking down on their minions. That has to stop asap. They are no better than anyone else, they need to understand their actions have consequences and so far, the only ones paying that debt has been the "minions". IMO that's wrong.
Capt Jeff S.
I don't feel sorry for the minions because they all get to vote -- even the ones there illegally, and some of them voted multiple times!
Although he may have done a lot of good for CA many can't help but remember him for his nickname Gov Moonbeam and his reaction to the fruit fly infestation in 1981.
GySgt Melissa Gravila
True, I am one of those people, I think he is an idiot. But, even though he is saying "Trump isn't my president" he is watching his "minions" suffer while he sits on his mountain top, oblivious to their pain. The state is bankrupt, but he still goes off half cocked. Trump needs to help the people, the people need to vote moonbeam, Pelosi, and the rest of the asylum out of office asap IMO. California is still part of the U.S. Trump promised to make America great again- that includes California
Just my $.02
Just my $.02
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