People are often caste into the role of being a caregiver without knowing they're going to have to take on this role. Caregiving can take on many forms, providing care for your spouse, child, parent, grandparent or other person. Some who need care receive care from paid caregivers but most rely on assistance from their families. It's easy for the new caregiver to become overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed trying to assume a caregiving role on top of work, being a parent, and or spouse. This is why programs such as this are important, so a caregiver can learn techniques to help them be better caregivers.
The developers of the Military Caregiver Online Interactive program understood this and designed the program with these things in mind.
The Blue Star Cares: Military Caregiver Online Interactive Program is designed to train caregivers at home, increasing its accessibility, she said. Too often, because of their remote locations or their responsibilities that make it difficult to leave home, caregivers aren’t able to attend training sessions.
This program is still in the pilot stages but could prove to be a great resource for those who are in the position of caring for a loved one.