Posted on Aug 6, 2016
Police Chief Demoted For Email Advocating Racial Profiling
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
Think he should have been removed rather than demoted. This kind of thinking is what has led us to all the issues in the media today. No place for this type of thinking in any public service position.
Know what you mean, white people in a black neighborhood there to buy drugs, disgraceful.
SSG Trust Palmer
Very disgraceful! The sheets need to fall off of all crooked cops and replace them with people who actually care about others.
Shades of Roy Martin former Chicago PD Superintendent who visited Singapore where the crime rate was low. They said it was primarily due to profiling, Martin suggested that to the city council. His fate was similar to this official. Say again, how is the death tally so far this year in Chitown? A new record, I believe.
SSG Trust Palmer
An this has what to do with the article? Say again? Now, if you want to take in the challenges in Chicago put your self in a position to do so. Put the right people in any position and changes can happen.
MCPO Roger Collins
SSG Trust Palmer - If you can't see the connection, more information would not help. Your mind is made up.
SSG Trust Palmer
MCPO Roger Collins - I'm not asking you for more information. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
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