Posted on Feb 3, 2016
Porn star takes Army sergeant to adult entertainment awards in Vegas
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 22
SFC (Join to see) I agree and this is covered under official policy, plus one could use common sense, "If you have to ask yourself or someone else is it ok to wear my uniform at xyz event then it's not."
SFC (Join to see)
That's always what I was taught. If you have to ask, you already know it won't be a good idea to follow through.
Who the hell is this knuckle heads Top? And why has his 1SG not made him a PFC again until he learns to make better decisions.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
It says in the article he talked to his unit about this and they said they didn't see a problem with it...
""My big question [to superiors in his Appleton, Wisconsin-based Reserve unit] was, 'Is it going to be a problem if I wear my dress uniform?'" he said. "They didn't see a problem with it. I'd been reading in the regs, trying to find some concrete evidence that this would be something I shouldn't wear a uniform to. I didn't really see anything that would prevent me.""
""My big question [to superiors in his Appleton, Wisconsin-based Reserve unit] was, 'Is it going to be a problem if I wear my dress uniform?'" he said. "They didn't see a problem with it. I'd been reading in the regs, trying to find some concrete evidence that this would be something I shouldn't wear a uniform to. I didn't really see anything that would prevent me.""
Let's focus on the uniform decencies, I've already spotted one since he's wearing a bow tie the uniform should change to no dui's on the shoulder, obviously missing unit MUCs
SSG(P) (Join to see)
True maybe, however reserve unIts earn MUCs for emergency activations, deployments, etc you mean to tell me during the army's full rotation of active, reserve, and guard that his specific unit did not deploy
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