Though some of you do not like links to some of the right leaning groups or some of the left leaning groups, sometimes you do need to pay attention.
Considering that this may be accurate, how hypocritical does this make some of you that claim that this is not possible when claimed by the right, but support it when claimed by the left?
Isn't this the same type of group that wanted to block a Constitutional Convention?
Isn't this the same type of group that stated that state succession was not possible?
Isn't this the same group that on one hand states that "majority rule" is wrong when it goes against what they want, but then when it happens to them claim that the checks and balances that we have in OUR political system is not fair, and then want "majority rule?"
Where do you want to live? A) a democracy; B) a democratic republic
If you choose A, ask yourself this - Do YOU want "majority rules?" Think about it.