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Responses: 3
MSG Mark Million
Everyone seems to be dodging the immigration status of the murderer like it's a HOT POTATOE, the only one with any courage in the matter is the Prosecutor from a different state. They already know the answer, and in my mind there is only one reason to refuse to make it public!
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Look, I'm not defending this freaking loser, but everyone is up in arms against illegals. True, they are here illegally but the crime committed is not even a felony. It's a misdemeanor. We all know, and think about this, that most crimes are committed by American citizens. You make it sound like killing should only be done by Americans. But that's not the current fad is it? That won't build a wall will it? How many mass murders have illegals committed? When that doesn't justify the case against illegals, then MS 13 comes up. How many illegals are in MS 13? To make it worse, the damn gang started in LA in the 1980's. When that doesn't justify their case then American jobs come up. What jobs are we really talking about here? Picking fruit? Fast food? House cleaning? Mowing lawns? Most jobs are going overseas when companies go there for cheap labor and relaxed environment laws. Every time an illegal murders someone, it is plastered all over the news as if all 11 million or so committed the crime. The only HOT Potatoes here should be stiffer gun laws and policing our own back yard and stop blaming it on others. Maybe people are afraid of the browning of America. Rather than be afraid, embrace other cultures. Dam, learn Spanish. It's not like half the Southwest have states and towns already in Spanish. America itself isn't English. It's freaking Italian. Jump off the freaking bandwagon, stop being mad at illegals and spend time on fixing our own back yard. Most are working people trying to find a better life, like our founding fathers and their families before them did. Next time you want to post something about a murder, watch the local news before you blame killings on illegals. Right is right brother. Illegals may have broken the law and they should be deported, but don't freaking make them all to be murderers when you know deep down inside that we have many more bad apples. Please reply, I'd like to know your thoughts on what I just posted.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Forgive the typos. I was pretty tired.
MSG Mark Million
MSG Mark Million
7 y
I am all for Legal immigration, we need people to fill jobs, I am even ok with illegals who are applying to become legal being here, it's those who are here illegally and have no intention of trying to become legal that I have a problem with. We have a lot of citizens who work, make a wage, pay taxes and cannot afford decent healthcare, can't qualify for medicare/medicaid and can only get emergency care, while at the same time we have illegals not paying any taxes, drawing benefits such as foodstamps and medicare with no attempts to contribute. All I ask is that those who wish to be here make an effort to be here legally and contribute beyond just working for themselves and taking in any benefits they can get. I know many illegals work, don't apply for any benefits etc, but if they avoid paying taxes and make no effort to become legal then in my opinion they need to go. I can appreciate how difficult it can be to immigrate legally, but what country makes it easy? I don't care if illegals are from Mexico, Ethiopia, or North Korea, they are welcome in my book if they will work, pay taxes, and apply for citizenship. Failing on any one of those three points though in my opinion and they need to go! As for illegals murdering people, yes I am aware that murder will happen no matter the legal status of the murder, however there is no good reason to make it easy for someone making no effort to be a citizien to be in a position to be here. I'm not on a witch hunt for illegals, I don't think every illegal immigrant is a potential murderer, however should someone like this guy (with know violent tendancies and a history of violent behavior) have a free pass to just stay forever as long as they like until they do something like this? I have yet to see a headline proclaiming Immigrant here legally kills someone paraded in the national spotlight. the reason for this is it really wouldn't be news on a national scale, it would be just another murder. I will bet that there have been plenty of murders that have occurred committed by those working to get legal status, they don't make the news because they are just another murder. Murders committed by those who have no right to be here is a different story. Immigration laws are there for a reason, you will not find a country with easier immigration laws than the United States, even countries that nobody would try to immigrate to would not accept people just staying there forever never paying taxes. Are you aware of any countries where you can go, live and work and not pay any taxes beyond a short Visa period?
SSG William Bowen
SSG William Bowen
7 y
My opinion is that if we have a million Americans who are going to kill, maim, rape, steal or whatever, and we add another 100,000 foreigners (legal or illegal), now we have 1.1 million criminals. So of those extra 100,00, they should serve a majority of their prison sentence and then be removed from the US.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
MSG Mark Million
MSG Mark Million
7 y
Hadn't seen this yet sir, thanks for the update.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
I looked at his FB page and I have some thoughts. I was waiting on the ' What does it matter if he is an immigrant' (illegal) comment from one of the usual suspects...
MSG Mark Million
MSG Mark Million
7 y
It matters. If we were enforcing immigration he either wouldn't be here or he would have already been in prison from his last fiasco.
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SSG William Bowen
Edited 7 y ago
Whenever a story like this comes out, they never say if the subject is legal or illegal. They might tell you ICE has placed a detainer on the person, but like the story says, that does not mean legal or illegal as ICE detainers are placed on both depending on the circumstances. Remember though, ICE does not place detainers on United States citizens (natural born, naturalized, or derived), so if they do have a detainer from ICE they are either here illegally (which could mean they entered illegally or they could have came legally and never left), or they are legal (legal permanent resident, visitor, student, or other). As soon as people see a Hispanic or Arab type name in a news story, they start thinking he/she is illegal. A few days later, we may see that the person was illegally here, or had been deported 3 times, among other details that may be released. When it's all said and done I am sure we will be told what a big ass piece of shit this guy really is.
MSG Mark Million
MSG Mark Million
7 y
Given the history of violence already known, and the fact they won't comment on such status, I would be astounded if they found him to be here legally. They already know, and I am very sure that if here legally it would have been stated already. The problem is that they are sitting on this trying to push it back into the shadows and to keep it from being heard about. Reality is this story deserves to get heard, even if the killer had been a white male U.S. born citizen. This family deserves to have this story heard, rather than suppressed because the city, state, and government believe it will negatively impact tourism, living conditions, and status of illegal immigrants.
SSG William Bowen
SSG William Bowen
7 y
There is a new article out saying he is a Legal Permanent Resident which would still explain an ICE detainer because of the nature of the crime. Sometimes people slip through the cracks and I am pretty sure this is one of those cases. We have some real piece of shit judges in this country as well.
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